Learning & Teaching out-of-doors – Erasmus+ course in Portugal

Develop your leadership skills for leading groups and education in the outdoors



  • develop your leadership skills and strategies to be a flexible outdoor leader
  • discover the potential of leadership in the education process
  • try experiential learning, experience methods of reflection and develop your ability to give feedback
  • exchange and develop skills of leading groups outdoors together with colleagues from Europe
  • know how to calculate risks involved and avoid critical situations in outdoor learning
  • gain knowledge about the theoretical basis of recent outdoor learning pedagogy, research and literature
  • develop a personal activity plan – how to put new knowledge into action back home and how to support the school development
  • meet colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experience, exchange ideas and build a network for future international cooperation
  • enrich communication skills, improve foreign language competencies, broaden professional vocabulary and promote EU’s broad linguistic diversity


  • Teachers of pre-primary schools, primary and secondary schools and vocational schools
  • Adult education teachers
  • Teachers of special needs
  • Teacher trainers
  • Outdoor leaders


The main methods will be through practical training, cooperative work, various activities and discussions. The content is thematic and interdisciplinary and based on ”learning by doing” combined with “reflection upon action”.

The fundamental approach of the course program is the holistic method in leadership. Lectures and practical workshops present the theoretical and philosophical background for understanding main principles and forms of leadership.

Positive atmosphere, exchange and fun is a part of the process during the week. The course will take place mainly outdoors close to nature, in the rural as well as the urban landscape. We will visit local natural sites, Sintra hills area and local institutions.

Every day we reflect up on what have we done, what was the purpose and how can we use this back home/professionally, how can we adopt it to our professional life, schools – and learning conditions in Europe.


6 days
(Sunday afternoon – Friday afternoon)


Each participant obtains The Certificate of Attendance and confirmation to Europass.


The course is residential, accommodation and food will be arranged by an organizer.

The programme is held in the area of Cascais and Sintra, in Portugal

We stay in Estalagem Muchaxo – www.muchaxo.com


650 € (EUR) course fee/participant

895 € (EUR) subsistance cost/participant

IN TOTAL 1545 € (EUR)

Price includes:

  • all inclusive servis – accommodation, food, coffebreaks, local transport
  • programme (40 hours), materials and equipment
  • field trips and excursions
  • all meals including coffee breaks
  • accommodation (5 nights)
  • local travel
  • organizational support before, during and after the course
  • administration and certificates


We will charge you 650 € for the course fee. This fee consists from two parts:

  1. Course fee – 480 € / 6 days course which will be fully covered from your project (You obtain 80 €/ day)
  2. Additional costs 170 € / participant – The price is higher due to high-quality and intensity of the course program. The rest of the amount could be covered from other budget categories and savings or with participant contribution.

We will charge you 895 € for subsistence costs, which could be covered from project budget – subsistence costs.