You can work with the following information and use part of the texts for your Erasmus+ application as you need..
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is the main source of; detailed information on the award criteria, eligibility criteria, and funding rules can be found in Section B. Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals.
If you are not sure with formulation, need more information about courses, would like to discuss your application, are not sure which course is suitable for you, would like to plan a training for your team or have any other questions you can email us –
National agencies usually appreciate if you have more types of activities in your project (courses, job shadowing, teaching assignments). If you will be looking for some institutions for job-shadowing we can give you tips and contacts.
- Do not forget to think about your Development plan. Your application should be relevant to your Development plan. National agencies usually point out some issues linked to your Dev. plan which should be well reflected in your application – Selection of participants, Choosing the venue, Preparation for the course, Administration of the project, Taking new skills into action, Assessment, Mentoring, Acknowledgemen, Sustainability of project outcomes and Dissemination.
- Development plan – explain in detail what your school has done so far to make its education more attractive and innovative to meet today’s key competences and how they could be taught to students. And make clear that you need more expertise in this area (e.g. SWOT analyses or addressing your school’s Development Plan as an official internal act in order to justify your reasons)
- In a part Description of your project – put in other words what you have written under School development plan, it have to be linked!! (but do not copy, rewrite in other words).
- Be aware about assessment of your application – you can obtain for A. Relevance of your project max 30 points, B. Quality of design and of implementation max 40 points, C. Impact of the project and dissemination of results max 30 points
- Your answers should be concrete and clear, write in whole and clear sentences, focus on the essence of the questions, add details (you can e.g. add programme of the courses, more information as attached file
- Give information on the key staff/persons involved in this application and on the competences and previous experience that they will bring to the project. Try to make clear why the course is especially beneficial for both your school/institution and the person to be sent to the course.
- It have to be clear that the courses and trainings are relevant for your school aims (and addresses your school development plan)
It works well when you argue with the points relevant for EU, such as:
- we want to develop and internationalise schools
- our mobilities will have a major impact on students, colleagues and the whole school
- new knowledge and skills will be integrated into curriculum, work organisation and all teaching, studying and learning processes of the school
- new knowledge and skills will complement future international projects and ideas
- we will use of eTwinning tools of the EU, look up course in Scholl education gateway, will use e-twinning to disseminate the project and to create networks of teachers dealing with the same challenge
Main support will be given to priorities for 2024 mentioned in Erasmus+ Guide:
Please be aware that if you include somehow these topics into your application you could have more chance to succeed. Our courses could help you to fulfil all these criteria and include activities and content which helps you to work whit topics mentioned above. How? Here are some points you can use in your application (and all these points could be added to the outcomes of each course):
- Real-world-learning is a holistic approach to learning. By implementing practical and real-life activities we expect more motivated students, long lasting learning and less drop outs from school.
- Activities are based on experiential learning, we learn how to work with reflection and how to support active participation of pupils/students.
- We apply new approaches and techniques based on recent reasearches, using recent resources for the topics such as climate change, active citizenship etc.
- Our courses address educational inequality, re-motivating children who do not thrive in the traditional classroom environment, such as those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with Special Educational Needs
- We point out at our courses the benefits of formal and informal education together – the most meaningful learning occurs through real-life, practical or hands-on activities.
- You gain knew knowledge hot tackle social mobility, giving children new and exciting experiences that inspire them to reach their true potential– we will train and practise also activities helpful for training refugee children, children from disadvantage background and intercultural classrooms.
- All our courses include tips and experience of Learning outside the classroom- which is known to contribute significantly to improving pupils’ personal, social & emotional development. It could be useful for teachers and schools working with tolerance and diversity topics.
- We will present all the course topics as an interdisciplinary education field – you can apply them in any subject or topic, outdoor environment is great to learn not only Science but also Math, Art, History or secondary language – anything you might want.
- Our courses include methods of experience-based learning and sensory awareness which could support pupils with disadvantaged background and activities suitable for children with all types of disability.